Since the time Mahindra launched the Thar back in 2020, the vehicle has turned into a huge success. People’s crazy attraction towards the full-fledged Off-roader has broken all limits and it has been constant since then. It has received and is still receiving an immense amount of love, and all this has resulted in the sales of Thar’s 1 Lakh units in just a matter of 3 years.
If this sounds usual to you, then know one thing that Thar is a 3-door vehicle, which is a complete Off-roader, so ultimately, it is heavily impractical to use on daily basis or long travel, but still, toady over a lakh of people are doing this same thing with the 3-door Thar.
Adding more to it, over a year now, Mahindra is being spied testing the new Thar in its 5-door avatar, and many details about the upcoming 5-door Thar have popped out.
But, recently, one of our beloved carversal pros has sent us a more revealing spy shot of the 5-door Thar, which was being tested in the state of Maharashtra. Though this spy shot is packing two-to-three new details, still, these details are big and important.
So, let us talk about them,
The very first detail of the upcoming Mahindra Thar 5-door is about its new grille. The regular, on-sale 3-door Mahindra Thar gets a different design for its grille compared to the one in this spy shot of 5-door Thar.
This grille happens to be inspired from the Jeep Wrangler. In the spy shot, we can clearly see that the design of the air intakes is different from the regular 3-door Thar, which gets more of a mesh design for its grille, on the other hand, this 5-door Thar has opted to go for a simple H-shaped air intake unit.
Secondly, you can also observe that the traditional 7 Slat grille, which Mahindra uses in the rest of its SUVs - including the 3-door Thar - has not been carried forward in the 5-door Thar. A new 6 Slat unit is in use for the new 5-door Mahindra Thar.
And it seems that the brand wants this 5-door Thar to differentiate itself from its 3-door sibling, by adding such new elements to its design.